


Did you know that blueberries were formerly used to prevent and treat diseases related to the urinary tract?

Due to a component that contains, increases the acidity of the urine and does not allow bacteria to develop in this medium, being effective to prevent inflammation of the urinary bladder, to prevent cystitis, for kidney problems, for problems of prostate, urethra and for all the problems associated with the urinary tract in general.

Benefits of Blueberry

The benefits of blueberry concentrate in its antioxidant power, helping us to prevent diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and its non-stick power, which makes bacteria harmful to our body, such as Helicobacter pylori among others, not adhere to the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. In this way they help to prevent their proliferation and therefore the damage to our body.

This power helps us in two parts of the body, in the gastrointestinal area and in the urinary tract, lasting approximately eight hours, so to be protected we must take it in the morning and at night.

In addition, blueberry contains vitamin P, used in circulation problems and vascular eye diseases.

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